Hair Mesotherapy

Which Types of Hair Loss Does Hair Mesotherapy Address?
While hair loss can stem from various factors, hair mesotherapy effectively targets metabolic, stress-induced, seasonal shedding, and post-pregnancy sudden shedding. It also serves as a supportive treatment for other hormonal or genetic hair loss conditions.

Is Hair Mesotherapy Suitable for Everyone?
Hair mesotherapy is not recommended for individuals with heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or those undergoing anticoagulant treatment.

Treatment Procedure
Hair mesotherapy involves injecting a specially prepared mixture beneath the scalp using micro injectors. The procedure is typically painless or at a tolerable level, allowing patients to resume their daily activities afterward.

Should You Consider Hair Mesotherapy?
Conduct a simple self-assessment: gently tug your hair without excessive force. If you notice 3-4 strands of hair falling out each time, it’s advisable not to postpone your treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Hair Mesotherapy Cause Pain or Discomfort?
    Hair mesotherapy is typically painless or at most, tolerably uncomfortable.
  • Are There Any Adverse Effects Associated with Hair Mesotherapy?
    Hair mesotherapy is known to have no associated side effects.


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